$47.00 USD

Gender Diversity Awareness (NEW COURSE: PENDING APPROVAL)

Course Overview: 

In the realm of health and wellness coaching, understanding and appreciating gender diversity is crucial for fostering inclusivity, building trust, and creating positive client-coach relationships. This course is designed to equip health and wellness coaches with the knowledge and skills needed to engage effectively with clients of diverse gender identities and expressions. By gaining insight into the unique experiences and health-related concerns of individuals across the gender spectrum, participants will be better prepared to provide client-centered, culturally competent, and affirming support.



Dawn Mazur, NBC-HWC, Bachelors of Science in Health Education, Masters of Science in Health Promotion

Course Objectives: 

  1. Foundations of Gender Diversity: Explore the fundamentals of gender identity, gender expression, and the distinction between sex and gender, with a focus on their relevance in the health and wellness coaching context.
  2. Intersectionality: Recognize how gender intersects with other aspects of identity, such as race, sexuality, and socioeconomic status, and how these intersections impact an individual's health and wellness journey.
  3. Health Disparities: Examine the unique health disparities and challenges faced by different gender groups, including transgender and non-binary individuals, and learn strategies for addressing these disparities.
  4. Cultural Competence: Develop cultural competence by understanding the diverse perspectives, needs, and preferences of clients with various gender identities and expressions.
  5. Effective Communication: Enhance your communication skills to create a safe and affirming coaching environment, where clients feel valued and understood regardless of their gender identity.
  6. Client-Centered Coaching: Learn how to tailor your coaching approach to meet the specific goals and needs of clients, taking into account their gender identities and experiences.
  7. Legal and Ethical Considerations: Explore legal and ethical considerations related to gender diversity in healthcare and wellness coaching, including privacy and confidentiality.
  8. Inclusive Practices: Implement practical strategies and best practices for creating inclusive and affirming coaching spaces for clients of all gender identities.